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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Vietnam : NGO attempts to curb bird flu

An article from The Phnom Penh Post, its good to know that the locals are taking some kind effort to curb this deadly disease :

" In a small village in Koh Kong province, poultry farmer Keo Sok is learning that healthy practices can be good for business.

The Sre Ambel district man is one of 71 farmers in Koh Kong participating in an NGO-led programme aimed at reducing the risks from so-called bird flu, the A(H5N1) influenza virus.

The training has taught him to keep his chickens in pens rather than letting them run free, to feed them properly rather than letting them eat insects or rotten vegetables cast off from the family’s dinner, and to separate the hens from the chicks – a practice that allows hens to lay eggs faster, he said.

Now, the farmer is starting to see the rewards. Whereas before he only managed to feed five hens, he now keeps 20, as well as other chickens.
“My chickens rarely die, and they mature fast since I started following these bio-security measures,” Keo Sok said.

The NGO CARE Cambodia started its Community Based Avian Influenza Risk Reduction project in 2006. It now spans three border provinces – Svay Rieng, Prey Veng and Koh Kong – where transmission risks were seen as higher because of their proximity to countries that have reported outbreaks of avian influenza."

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