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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ghana : Malaria still tops cases at health facilities in Jomoro

Via Ghana News Agency :

" Malaria continues to be the leading disease recorded at the Out-Patient Department of the 10 health facilities in the Jomoro District, the District Director of Health Service, Madam Charlotte Danquah, has said.

Presenting the District’s Mid-Year Health Report at Half Assini, she said out of the 88,136 cases recorded between January and June this year, malaria accounted for 24,149.

She said malaria also accounted for 1,857 out of the 3,125 patients admitted at the facilities for the same period.

The District Health Director said in 2010, there were 1,580 Malaria cases out of the 2,652 recorded at the facilities.

Some of the facilities are at Half Assini, New Town, Ezimetianu, Tikobo No 1, Tikobo No.2, Kegen, Twenen, Elubo and Ekabaku.

Madam Danquah said the cases after Malaria were single spontaneous delivery, diarrhoea, anaemia, hypertension and typhoid fever.

She said out of the 37 institutional deaths, eight were as a result of malaria, six were from HIV/AIDS, three from diabetes mellitus and two from typhoid fever."

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